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dc.contributor.authorHarkness, Darren James
dc.identifier.uri /1770
dc.descriptionThe paper was received well by the conference attendants, despite its marked difference from other papers being presented (the bulk of the presentations at DH were focused on text analysis tools and projects). Five questions were asked of the paper, and a possible unrelated collaboration with Sandra Buchmueller of Deutsch Telekom may emerge from the conference with regards to using social networking and multiuser virtual environments (Sandra had a very interesting talk on representations of gender in multiuser worlds such as LamdaMOO and Second Life). The questions centered around blogging and blogging tools, such as whether the process of identity creation through the blog is changed when the blog has multiple authors, if the same process occurs for corporate/institutional blogs such as those maintained by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and if anyone is subverting the form. There is also an opportunity to submit a larger form of the paper to a series on Digital Humanities topics collected by Ray Siemens (Uvic).en
dc.description.abstractWe offer a new in-depth methodology for looking at how the use of blogging software delineates and normalizes the blogger’s creation of posts and, by extension, the creation of her blog self. The simple choice of software is not simple at all and in fact has a great influence on the shape a blogger’s identity will take through the interface, program design, and data structures imposed on her by the software. This primarily technical discussion of a topic seldom considered in studies which look at the cultural impact of blogging, will illuminate the inner workings of the medium and gives due credence to Marshall McLuhan’s argument that “the ‘message’ of any medium or technology is the change of scale or pace or pattern that it introduces into human affairs” (8).en
dc.description.sponsorshipAcademic & Professional Development Fund (A&PDF)en
dc.subjectblogging softwareen
dc.subjectdigital identityen
dc.titleNormalizing Identify: The Role of Bloggin Software in Creating Digial Identify presented at the 2008 Digital Humanities Conference in Oulu, Finland, June 25-29, 2008en

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